The bionic arm is a replacement or an upgrade to the customer. In order for the arm to be installed, an arm must be cut off. If the customer has only one arm, skipping this step is advised.
The reason for drawing out the skeletal, muscle and skin layers of a human arm was to help me understand the way it functions. This in turn helps me understand and explain the bionic arm product better. For example- its prerequisites, how the replacement arm connects to the rest of the body, and how similar it will function to human anatomy.
The bionic arm connects directly into the bone via the "Emulated" Humerus -> "Real" Scapula. The bionic arm also attaches to its muscle and skin layers for extra integrity.
The wrist has a proprietary port (along with support holes) for extra attachments, a bionic hand attachment is usually in-demand but there are other attachments for more situational scenarios.
For example Whisks..
I won't mention much of it's technical details within the narrator's script but it's still worth making sure the how the product can potentially function in the real-world.
the whisk made me 'lol' :) I love the mordant wit here - mixture of the horror of selecting to have your arm amputated and the mundane consumerism of wanting a whisk atachment!